Manufacturing Remote Monitoring | Matics

Remotely Manage Factory Operations With Remote Monitoring Technology

Assaf Buch / VP Operations
Last Updated : 31 Jul 2024

Recent turmoil in the global supply chain has revealed just how fragile factory operations can be. 94% of Fortune 1000 companies experienced some sort of supply chain disruption during the events of 2020, and most were ill-equipped to deal with these pressing problems. Many suffered heavy financial losses as a result.  

Now that it is clear that manufacturers must be ready for anything, it is time to put a solution in place.  Technological advancements have made it possible for you to oversee production inside your facility on a moment-to-moment basis. Remote factory monitoring can greatly extend the utility of your workforce and increase your factory’s agility in times of crisis.


24/7 Remote Factory Monitoring at Your Fingertips 

Remote factory monitoring software allows you to keep a finger on your factory’s pulse at all times. This software integrates with sensors, terminals, IoT devices, and other digitized reporting tools in your factory to aggregate production data on a single platform. This creates a detailed collection of real-time information on your facility’s production, machine use, material use and more. 

Supervisors, executives, and even line workers can access this data on any internet-connected device, regardless of location. Users can scale the scope of the data to provide both big-picture and small-scale insights using an intuitive and customizable dashboard. They can also use the software to generate detailed reports upon request and set up automated alerts for critical situations, including work stoppages.


Optimize Staffing Resources with Remote Industrial Operations 

Remote operations in manufacturing combine data collection with ongoing analysis to create a real-time ‘digital twin’ of your factory’s operations that is visible to every worker at all times. This gives manufacturers the opportunity to save on labour costs by magnifying the impact of each worker’s input.

When workers have the ability to survey everything happening within your facility at a glance, you do not need a supervisor to be physically present at every line. Because the remaining supervisors are equipped with constant feeds of real-time production information and aided by automated alerts that immediately draw their attention to critical issues, no productivity is lost in spite of the reduction in labour.

Increasing the availability of production information also empowers non-supervisory workers to take a more active role in the plant’s success. Each worker on the floor can use remote monitoring software to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve most routine problems that happen on a factory floor, such as a work stoppage prompted by a shortage of materials. Predictive maintenance strategies driven by proactive alerts help to further streamline operations and recover productivity that is typically lost during machine breakdowns and other work stoppages. 


Track KPIs in Real Time for Continual Improvement 

In the competitive world of modern commerce, manufacturers cannot afford to remain stagnant. Production optimization is key to growing or even maintaining market share. Remote monitoring technology makes it easy for facilities to track relevant KPIs, including: 

  • Overall production count. 
  • Hourly output.  
  • Machine availability. 
  • Quality assurance metrics. 
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (or OEE). 

Each of these metrics tells you something valuable about the current state of your operations, and observing trends in these numbers reveals how they can be improved. Recurrent dips in output or quality control become obvious when viewed in the context of long-term historical data. Once a problem like this has been identified, your facility can take steps to rectify the problem and recover some of that lost productivity.

Similarly, remote monitoring software can provide guidance about how to handle short-term drops or spikes in demand like those seen by many manufacturers during the pandemic. The ability to scale production according to current market conditions enables manufacturers to maintain profitability even when the business environment is unpredictable.

In short, remote industrial operations can be used to facilitate countless immediate and long-term interventions to address production weaknesses and optimize operations. It allows facility owners and other key stakeholders to make evidence-based decisions regarding resource investment, enabling targeted strategies for improvement that maximize the value of the capital expended.

Changing the way people work in factories
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Remotely Manage Factory Operations Now 

Interested in implementing remote control management for industrial manufacturing inside your facility? Matics makes it easy. Our solution is built for plug-and-play installation and can be fully implemented in a single day.

Contact us anytime for more information on our best-in-class software and how it can help increase transparency and visibility on your production lines.

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