How To Achieve Sustainable Manufacturing | Matics
Productivity Guides

Journey to Sustainability: How Manufacturers Realize Sustainability on the Factory Floor

Chen Genossar / VP Partners
Last Updated : 13 Jun 2024

Achieving sustainable manufacturing can provide many benefits for manufacturers – cost savings, regulatory compliance, company reputation, and more. However, manufacturers need to take the right approach and use the right tools to implement sustainability on the shop floor.

This final part of the Matics Sustainability eBook Series provides a practical look at the steps manufacturers can take to develop and implement effective sustainability policies. See how key areas like material waste, energy waste, and recycling are best addressed. Understand the steps necessary to ensure proper use of benchmarking and KPIs.

You’ll also see how the right tools are necessary for achieving a meaningful impact with your sustainability policy. Real-time production data, analysis, and work management tools turn the goals set by your sustainability policy into a reality on the shop floor.

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