Jolybar Improves Productivity and Reduces Reaction Times to Meet Deadlines With Matics | Matics
Case Studies

Jolybar Improves Productivity and Reduces Reaction Times to Meet Deadlines With Matics

“With Matics, Jolybar has improved machine availability by 20% and reduced setup time by 5%, increasing productivity and helping us meet the guaranteed delivery deadlines that set us apart in flexible packaging and digital printing”

Yossi Penn, Operations Manager


Jolybar’s Business Needs

  • Improving reaction times on the factory floor to ensure that productivity targets and deadlines are always met
  • Gaining accurate production insight to improve scheduling, workflows, and setup time
  • Developing clear KPI definitions and monitoring to make continuous optimization and improvement possible

Matics Solutions

Matics provides a real-time operational intelligence (RtOI) solution that gives manufacturers enhanced visibility and the tools they need to succeed. By working in tandem with existing MES and ERP solutions, along with directly collecting data from machines on the factory floor, Matics makes it possible for manufacturers to truly leverage data through digitalization. The unique advantages that Matics has to offer have helped Jolybar improve its operations in multiple ways.

The Impact

  • Created a more agile factory floor with the ability to react to changes more quickly and more accurately, reducing stoppages and improving machine availability by 20%
  • Improved visibility to make valuable production data available in real-time and increase the available depth and context of information, allowing for a 5% reduction in setup time
  • Implemented standardized KPI monitoring to provide production with clear and actionable targets and set quantifiable thresholds for quality control action

The Challenges Jolybar Faced on the Factory Floor

Jolybar provides flexible packaging materials and digital printing with the unique advantage of guaranteed delivery in 24 to 72 hours. These demanding deadlines led Jolybar to seek out an effective solution to these challenges:

  1. Time losses due to inefficient analysis and reaction to stoppages on the factory floor.
  2. Inaccurate and imprecise data collection and reporting that led to lost information.
  3. A lack of visibility that made effective process evaluation impractical.
  4. The need for a solution that can be implemented quickly and effectively with quick adoption by production teams and management.
  5. Ineffective implementation of KPIs to evaluate and optimize production.

Jolybar produces and supplies materials to a wide range of industries, including electronics, pharmaceuticals, security, and food manufacturing. Their unique proposition of guaranteed delivery means that they require their operations to be agile and able to adapt quickly to changing conditions on the factory floor.

Stoppages could quickly lead to work orders being delayed, often requiring the expense of extra hours in order to ensure that deadlines were met. To improve machine availability, Jolybar would need to be able to quickly identify events, notify the appropriate team members, analyze the problem, and implement the fix. Delays at any step in this process ultimately meant reduced productivity.

Before working with Matics, Jolybar relied on manual and handwritten work order processing. Important data like start and completion times for individual work orders were often only approximated, could be recorded wrong, or even became lost completely. Without this information, Jolybar was unable to form a clear and accurate understanding of operations and how to improve them.

They lacked not only an accurate and reliable record of production but also the ability to collect and evaluate real-time production data. There was no solution in place to provide an accurate overview of the factory floor at any given time, which made evaluating problems, finding solutions, and optimizing production an impracticable challenge.

Jolybar required a solution to these problems that they would be able to integrate effectively without causing disruptions or further complicating their processes. Minimizing any negative impact and taking advantage of synergy with existing systems would be necessary, along with ensuring seamless adoption and onboarding for both production teams and management.

Finally, Jolybar needed a way to standardize its understanding of production. The company wanted the necessary tools to continuously improve its processes and better understand its production. Any solution would need to have the ability to define, track, and analyze production KPIs.



Results: Providing a Successful RtOI Solution for Jolybar

Jolybar ultimately chose the Matics Solution to face its challenges. Working with Jolybar, we were able to complete the successful implementation of the Matics RtOI platform. The platform had a significant impact right away, improving productivity and allowing Jolybar to meet its stringent deadlines. Matics address the key challenges that Jolybar required a solution for.

  1. Real-time alerts and enhanced visibility and communication reduce stoppages and increase machine availability.
  2. Digitalization allows for improved data collection and reporting, increasing both accuracy and precision and ensuring that no valuable information is lost.
  3. The comprehensive real-time visibility provided by Matics allows management to know exactly what’s happening on the production floor at all times, even remotely.
  4. Adoption and onboarding were practically seamless, allowing both production teams and management to immediately enjoy the benefits of the Matics platform.
  5. KPI development and tracking make it possible for Jolybar to apply standardized comparisons and continuously optimize its production.

Success Metric 1: Reaction Time

Matics RtOI allows Jolybar to reduce the time between machine stoppages or other events and those problems being solved. The platform continuously monitors real-time production data and provides immediate alerts to the appropriate individuals whenever an issue arises. This removes the latency involved in the discovery of production problems, letting production teams get right to solving them.

Production teams and management are also able to evaluate and analyze issues more quickly. The Matics platform provides access to relevant, real-time production data that plays a key role in assessing the cause behind stoppages and other problems. Instead of navigating multiple systems or even physical records for the information they need, production teams have quick and straightforward access through Matics.

Improvement in reaction times ultimately led to improved machine availability. With less time spent identifying and analyzing issues, machines now spend more time producing materials and less time out of service. This directly impacts Jolybar’s ability to meet delivery deadlines, providing them with both better relationships with their customers and improved overall productivity.

Success Metric 2: Accurate and Precise Data

The Matics solution has allowed Jolybar to change the way it handles data collection and reporting. Instead of relying on production teams to manually record important information on production runs, the Matics solution automates this process to ensure both accuracy and precision.

Management can now place more confidence in this important production data. Matics provides information that can be validated, eliminating the risk of personal error in producing inaccurate and incomplete data. Jolybar now enjoys access to rich, real-time production data that can be reliably used in the evaluation of their processes.

Production setup is one key area where Jolybar has specifically benefitted from the accurate and precise information that the Matics platform collects. They are now able to consistently evaluate production based on solid data regarding how long setup takes for specific machines. This data is now accurate, precise, and validated, making it useful for production scheduling rather than relying on instinct and approximations.

Success Metric 3: Visibility

Both production teams and management at Jolybar now have enhanced visibility with Matics. Individuals are provided with real-time data regarding production and are able to see that data at different levels, from individual machines to the entire operation.

The streamlined presentation of the Matics platform lets management visualize the factory floor remotely. The intuitive layout makes it easy to really understand what’s happening, with both clear visual elements and access to in-depth real-time production data.

Management now has access to real-time information on the state of the factory floor. Whenever a machine stops, they’re given an immediate notification, allowing them to begin the process of addressing the issue right away.

Matics also facilitated the transfer of important information through the improvement of communication between management and production teams. Through the Matics platform, management is able to immediately contact team members as needed. At workstations, team members are also able to flag the attention of managers right away should any issues arise during production.

Success Metric 4: Implementation

The Matics solution was successfully implemented in a way that provided the results Jolybar needed without disrupting important workflows or creating excessive onboarding or training requirements. The minimal integration provided by Matics added important functionality without imposing significant new requirements on production teams.

For operators, tablets were installed at work stations to allow for access to the platform and entering production information. Matics worked seamlessly with existing workflows, with operators being onboarded quickly and effectively without any major disruption.

Managers have access to the Matics platform through smartphones that can be kept with them at all times, ensuring their availability and access to alerts as soon as they happen. They’re able to check on any aspect of production at any time from any location, giving them an unprecedented level of awareness.

Throughout the process, Matics customer support was and continues to be readily available to support Jolybar. Our ongoing commitment to our clients makes it possible for them to enjoy the greatest benefits that our platform has to offer with the support they need for any issues or unexpected situations.

Success Metric 5: KPI Management

Through the Matics platform, Jolybar is now able to define and track KPIs as needed to monitor, evaluate, and optimize production. The versatility of our solution makes it easy for management to view KPIs in real-time and historically. Essential KPIs like machine availability, OEE, and more process-specific examples regarding material and energy management, are all easily accessed through the platform.

The increased access to accurate KPI information allows management to develop a better understanding of production, both in terms of real-time events on the factory floor and long-term trends. The ability to drill down to individual work orders and machines gives Jolybar greater capabilities in evaluating and analyzing its operations.

In addition to this increased ability to optimize processes, KPIs in Matics also play a key role in maintaining productivity. Custom KPI thresholds allow production teams to be alerted and react to changes on the factory floor other than complete stoppages, making it possible to better handle inefficiency during individual work orders.

With Matics, Jolybar has been able to implement, monitor, and track KPIs in order to achieve improved productivity.

Jolybar’s Overall Results With Matics

Jolybar has become another example of how Matics is able to help manufacturers take control of their operations with RtOI. Our solution has been able to improve Jolybar’s capabilities and facilitated their ability to meet the strict guaranteed delivery requirements that set them apart in their industry. 

With Matics, Jolybar now has access to accurate, precise, and reliable real-time production data. Both production teams and management access this information through an intuitive, streamlined platform. This visibility and real-time alerts let them react to changes on the factory floor more quickly, improving machine availability and reducing extra hours.

Within just one year of implementation, the Matics solution has allowed Jolybar to improve machine availability by 20%. Setup time has been reduced by 5% as well. The continuous improvement potential provided by the Matics platform is still helping Jolybar make further advances today.

We’re still working with Jolybar to achieve even greater results. Today, Matics has been successfully integrated to work with existing workflows. As we move forward with Jolybar, the ultimate goal is to have machine operators working solely with the platform through the workstation tablet without the need for any other resources or systems.

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About Matics

Matics has provided similar results to a wide range of manufacturers across multiple industries. The RtOI solution that has allowed Jolybar to achieve these improvements in flexible packaging and digital printing can do the same for many other types of manufacturing environments and processes.

Digitalization with Matics brings together the valuable information and resources provided by a manufacturer’s existing solutions like an ERP or MES, aggregating, analyzing, and providing contextualized access to production data. Production teams and management alike will enjoy the enhanced visibility and ease of use that the Matics platform has to offer.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what the Matics Solution can do to improve your operation, you can contact our team today to book a demo.

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