Chen Genossar, Author at Matics | Page 7 of 9

Chen Genossar

VP Partners |

Throughout my career, I have led technological innovation and strategic growth. As a CEO of pioneering tech companies, I guided teams to success and was driving market penetration for a SAAS start-up, accelerating its growth. I have driven product development, marketing, and sales, securing multi-million dollar deals, reflecting a commitment to excellence and transformative leadership. Currently, I serve as the VP Partners at MATICS, where I leverage my expertise to enhance operational efficiency and strategic management.

Chen Genossar's Articles

What Will 2022 Bring for Manufacturers?

There isn’t a year that goes by without advancements and changing trends in manufacturing. The only decision that organizations have to make is whether or not to embrace these changes as they move forward. Manufacturers that take the time and effort to establish and implement the latest best practices grow and thrive, while those that do not are left behind.
Last Modified: November 28, 2023

How to Implement Daily KPI Management in Manufacturing

Setting and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for the success of any manufacturing operation. However, this isn’t a simple matter of collecting and reviewing data to adjust for long-term trends. To implement KPIs effectively, managers need to understand that they are also a tool for improving and optimizing day-to-day operations. Choosing the right KPIs to implement will be
Last Modified: March 7, 2024

The Importance of Real-Time Manufacturing Analytics in Achieving OEE

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud, and AI are all transforming manufacturing for the better. Sensor technologies and the Internet of Things make it possible to track machine performance 24/7, allowing staff to respond to potential problems in real time, avoiding costly delays. For example, the Information Technology Intelligence Consulting reports that 60 minutes of downtime typically costs a company
Last Modified: December 26, 2023

The Startup that Plans to Make All Factories in Israel More Efficient

Indutrial manufacturing today goes through a "fourth revolution", connecting the production floors to the digital world and to Big Data; Companies in Israel, that implemented the solution of LeaderMES are reporting better manufacturing control and improvement in productivity and sales Ora Koren, 29 August 2017   What do Plasim, Emilia Cosmetics, Netafim, GE and Coca-Cola have in common? They are
Last Modified: May 24, 2023

How Arkal Automotive Achieved 85% OEE

Arkal Automotive, Lightweight Plastics Design & Manufacturing Business Needs: Achieve higher productivity worldwide Apply standard measurement worldwide, deploy automatic performance measurement tools across the business for reliability and less human user error Get real-time visibility on multi-site performance Collect data to enable data-driven decision-making Matics Solution: Real-time Manufacturing Analytics Platform The Impact: Increased production efficiency and factory agility for Just-In-Time
Last Modified: April 27, 2023

Matics’ RtOI Shop Floor Analytics Increases OEE and KPIs for Tirat Zvi

Tirat Zvi, Food Production Business Needs: Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Understanding production discrepancies Shortening production line process Matics Solutions: Real-time Manufacturing Analytics Platform The Impact: ● Improved OEE by ~15% ● Decreased the number of shifts by one shift ● Reduced the time between production and packaging from 4-6 days to 2.5-3 days ● Implemented a 100% Digital Performance
Last Modified: January 24, 2023

Magic Adopts Real-time Manufacturing Analytics for Optimized Decision Making

How did Magic Polo Plast, a plastics manufacturer, improve production and save money with Matics? By Eran Appel, Magic CEO Our Goals: Eyes on the manufacturing floor 24/7 Magic Polo Plast is a plastics manufacturing plant that was established in Kibbutz Ma’anit in Israel over 20 years ago. It operates 12 production lines and injection machines and has about 30
Last Modified: April 20, 2021

Cloud-Based MES vs. On-Premise MES

In the past, manufacturers had huge concerns about using cloud-based MES systems. The cloud was evolving quickly, with hundreds of new providers entering the space, and IT leaders were worried about lack of control of operations, IT breakdowns, poor cybersecurity, and hacks. Today it is a different story: the cloud is widely accepted as a highly secure and effective way
Last Modified: October 15, 2023

The Factory-Floor Side of Smart Digital Transformation

The Factory-Floor Side of Smart Digital Transformation For the past decade, the manufacturing world has been shaping itself slowly but surely into another industrial revolution: Industry 4.0, a new phase that focuses heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data. Chen Genossar, VP at Matics, a technology company that provides real-time manufacturing analytics solutions for optimized efficiency on the
Last Modified: January 15, 2024

5 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You about Energy Consumption

The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020. Under the Directive, all EU countries are required to use energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain, from production to final consumption. In 2016 the Commission proposed an update to the Energy Efficiency Directive, including a new
Last Modified: July 20, 2023

Matics 1.9

We are Pleased to announce the release of version 1.9 of Matics The latest and exciting version of Matics offers tools to the entire factory team, providing accurate insights and enabling users to communicate more effectively in order to impact the production process in real-time. Communicate your insights Automatic notifications and insights help managers identify problems earlier and address them faster. A new inter-organizational communication platform helps track and record the flow of communications:
Last Modified: March 18, 2020
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